美国队 Spring Professional Development Sessions


美国队 in Spring Professional Development Sessions data-lightbox='featured'


TeamUSA Course Design Lab: Creating Meaningful and Engaging Application Activities

Bring course materials and your own device to work on creating application activities 使用Michaelsen的4S方法. Resources and tips will be provided, and you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other TeamUSA faculty.  

注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6894

日期: 2/19/2016

Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm



Writing Effective Multiple Choice Questions for Your TBL Course

成功ful implementation of the Readiness Assurance Process in Team-Based Learning courses hinges on well-crafted multiple-choice questions. 在这个研讨会上,你会 develop skills and techniques for creating effect multiple choice question stems with 合理的选择.

注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6895

日期: 2/23/2016

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm




The role of the instructor shifts in TBL learning from “sage on the stage” to “guide 在旁边.”  In an interactive format, participants will discover effective techniques for guiding and facilitating TBL Application Activities.

注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6896

日期: 3/10/2016

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm



Supporting Team Emergence: A Few Sentences Communicated at the Right Time can Change Team and Classroom Environment (Usually)!

Transitioning from a “group” to a “team” is a process. TBL促进团队涌现, and faculty can support this process with effective communication strategies. 从 theory to practice, we will explore phases of team emergence and faculty statements to support teams and improve areas of concern.

注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6897

日期: 3/21/2016

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm



Utilizing Technology in your TBL Class

Personal, classroom, and online technology can support your implementation of every aspect 的资源—from iRATs to application activities. 这个实践工作坊将提供 the opportunity to try out a variety of tech tools and resources to support your use 的资源.

注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6898

日期: 3/31/2016

Time: 1:00 – 2:30pm



Developing Modules for your TBL course

An effectively executed TBL module begins with thoughtful preparation. 在这个研讨会上, we will break down the components of module development and use an effective framework 开发课程模块. The framework will be applied to your course, so bring 想法和材料.

注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6899

日期: 4/7/2016

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm



